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- ; $Id: gethelp.pro,v 1.3 1997/01/15 04:02:19 ali Exp $
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) 1993-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
- ;
- ;+
- ; NAME:
- ;
- ; This function is used to get information on variables in the
- ; routine that called this function. The function builts a string array
- ; that contains information that follows the format that is used
- ; by the IDL HELP command.
- ;
- ; Help
- ;
- ; Result = GetHelp([Vname])
- ;
- ; Vname: Optional parameter that contains the name of a variable
- ; the user wants information about.
- ;
- ; ONELINE: If a variable name is greater than 15 charaters
- ; it is usally returned as 2 two elements of the
- ; output array (Variable name in 1st element,
- ; variable info in the 2nd element). Setting this
- ; keyword will put all the information in one string,
- ; seperating the name and data with a space.
- ;
- ; FULLSTRING: Normally a string that is longer than 45 chars
- ; is truncated and followed by "..." just like
- ; the HELP command. Setting this keyword will cause
- ; the full string to be returned.
- ;
- ; PROCEDURES: Setting this keyword will cause the function
- ; to return all current IDL compiled procedures.
- ;
- ; FUNCTIONS: Setting this keyword will cause the function
- ; to return all current IDL compiled functions.
- ;
- ; SYS_PROCS: Setting this keyword will cause the function
- ; to return the names of all IDL system (built-in)
- ; procedures.
- ;
- ; SYS_FUNCS: Setting this keyword will cause the function
- ; to return the names of all IDL system (built-in)
- ; functions.
- ;
- ; This function returns a string array that normally contains
- ; variable data that is in the same format as used by the IDL HELP
- ; procedure. The variables in this list are for the routine that
- ; called GetHelp(). If other info is requested via keywords, this
- ; data is returned.
- ;
- ; Upon an error or if no data is found the function returns an
- ; Null ('') string.
- ;
- ; None
- ;
- ; None
- ;
- ; Due to the diffuculties in determining if a variable is of type
- ; associate, the following conditions will result in the variable
- ; being listed as a structure. These conditions are:
- ;
- ; o Associate record type is structure.
- ; o Associated file is opened for update (openu).
- ; o Associate file is not empty.
- ;
- ; Another difference between this routine and the IDL help command
- ; is that if a variable is in a common block, the common block name
- ; is not listed next to the variable name. Currently there is no
- ; method available to get the common block names used in a routine.
- ;
- ; This function uses the IDL routine Routine_Names() to get the
- ; names and values of the variables contained in the calling
- ; routine. These values are then placed in a string array using
- ; the format of the IDL HELP command. If there are no variables
- ; in the calling routine, a null ('') scalar string is returned.
- ;
- ; To obtain a listing in a help "format" of the variables contained
- ; in the current routine you would make the following call:
- ;
- ; HelpData = GetHelp()
- ;
- ; The variable HelpData would be a string array containing the
- ; requested information.
- ;
- ; Initial Coding April 1994 - KDB
- ;
- ;-
- ;
- ;=============================================================================
- ; This function is used to determine if an IDL variable is a
- ; Assoc() file variable. This function is needed since there is no
- ; built in method for a program to determine if a variable is an
- ; associated variable.
- ;
- ; This functions depends on several properities of an associate
- ; variable to determine if a variable is one. These properties are:
- ;
- ; o Size indicates that an associate variable is an array
- ; o N_Elements always returns one for an associate variable
- ; o ON_IOERROR will trap I/O errors that happen during associate
- ; file operations.
- ; o The following command will result in a scalar for a normal
- ; array, an array for an associate variable:
- ; DUM = Var(0)
- ;
- ; Due to the diffuculties in determining if a variable is of type
- ; associate, the following conditions will result in this function
- ; returning a false. These conditions are:
- ;
- ; o Associate record type is structure.
- ; o Associated file is opened for update (openu).
- ; o Associate file is not empty.
- ;
- ; Start by getting the size of the input parameter
- UnitSize = Size(Unit)
- ; All Assocs are arrays and N_Elements() only returns 1. Check if this
- ; variable is a scalar or N_elements() > 1.
- if((UnitSize(0) eq 0)or(N_Elements(Unit) gt 1))then $
- Return, 0 ; no need to continue
- ; Set up Error handling for input/ouput. This will catch any errors I/O we
- ; cause with associate variables. This function depends on this trapping.
- On_IOerror, IOERR
- ; Set the first element of Unit equal to itself. If Unit is an array we
- ; will continue processing, but if Unit is an associate variable and the
- ; file is not open for "update" we will trigger an error which is trapped
- ; by on_ioerror.
- Unit(0) = Unit(0)
- ; A single diminsion array would of passed the above test, see if we
- ; can get the first value of Unit.
- DumVal = Unit(0)
- ; Get the Size of DumVal
- DumSize = Size(DumVal)
- ; If DumVal is a scalar (So Unit was a 1 dim array) or if DumVal is a
- ; struct (so Unit is a struct or assoc to a struct record opened for update)
- ; return a false.
- if((DumSize(0) eq 0)or(DumSize(N_Elements(DumSize)-2) eq 8))then $
- Return, 0
- ; The only type of variable that should get here is an associate variable.
- ; Get the file information for this variable
- UnitStat = Fstat(Unit)
- ; Make sure that the file is not a tty or has no name
- if((UnitStat.IsAtty eq 1)or(UnitStat.Name eq ''))then $
- return,0 ;not an assoc
- ; Anything that gets below this point is an associate variable
- Return, 1 ; it is an assoc() variable
- ;=============================================================================
- FUNCTION MakeHelpString, Vname, Vvalue, Vsize, ASSOC = ASSOC, $
- ; This function takes information about a variable and creates
- ; a string that contains this information following the IDL HELP
- ; format.
- ;
- ; Vname: The name of the Variable
- ; Vvalue: The actual value of the variable
- ; Vsize; The results of the Size() function on Vvalue
- ;
- ; ASSOC: Indicates that the variable is an Associate
- ; variable
- ;
- ; ONELINE: If a variable name is greater than 15 charaters
- ; it is usally returned as 2 a two element array
- ; (Variable name in 1st elements, Variable info
- ; in the 2nd element). Setting this keyword
- ; will put all the information in one string.
- ;
- ; FULLSTRING: Normally a string that is longer than 45 chars
- ; is truncated and followed by "..." just like
- ; the HELP command. Setting this keyword will cause
- ; the full string to be returned.
- ;
- ; This function returns a string(s) that is in a HELP command format
- ; for the given information. A 2 element string array is returned if
- ; the Variable name (Vname) is longer that 15 characters and the
- ; ONELINE keyword is not set.
- ;
- ; Declare the TypeTokens
- TypeTokens = [ 'UNDEFINED', 'BYTE', 'INT', 'LONG', 'FLOAT', $
- Vtype = Vsize(N_Elements(Vsize)-2) ; Get the type of variable
- ; See if the variable is not an array (a Scalar or an Undef).
- if( Vsize(0) eq 0 )then BEGIN
- ; If the Value is a string we need to put '' around it and add ... to it
- ; if it is longer than 45 chars
- if(Vtype eq 7)then BEGIN
- if( (StrLen(Vvalue) gt 45)and(not Keyword_Set(FULLSTRING)))then $
- ValueField = "'" + StrMid(Vvalue, 0, 45) + "'..." $
- else $
- ValueField = "'" + Vvalue +"'"
- ENDif else if(Vtype eq 1)then $
- ; have a byte, cant just string it, use integer format code
- ValueField = String(Vvalue, FORMAT='(I4)') $
- else $ ;not a string or a byte, just do a String() to the value
- ValueField = String(Vvalue)
- ENDif else $
- ; We have an array, convert the diminsions of the array to strings
- ; The format statement has a repeat value of 20. Should only need up
- ; to 8 (the max number of dimensions, but doesnt hurt to have a little
- ; extra just incase this changes later on.
- ValueField= String( StrCompress(Vsize(1:Vsize(0)), /REMOVE_ALL), $
- FORMAT = '("Array(",20(a, :, ", ") )' ) +")"
- ; Now check out the Assoc() variable possibility
- if(Keyword_Set(ASSOC))then BEGIN
- ; Need to get the filename associated with the variable. Fstat() it.
- StatStruc = Fstat(Vvalue)
- ; An Assoc() can be done on a file that is not open. See if the
- ; name is null. If file is closed (name =''), put in HELP closed message
- if(StatStruc.Name eq '')then $
- StatStruc.Name = "Closed file unit "+ $
- StrCompress(StatStruc.Unit, /REMOVE_ALL)
- ValueField = "File<"+StatStruc.Name+"> "+ValueField
- ENDif
- ; Is the data a structure?
- if(Vtype eq 8)then $
- ; Add the struct symbol and name to Value Field
- ValueField = "-> " + Tag_Names(Vvalue, /STRUCTURE_NAME)+ " " + $
- ValueField
- ; Now lets build the line and return it. Check for long identifiers
- if( StrLen(Vname) gt 15)then BEGIN
- ; We have a long indentifier. See if the user want the line on one line
- ; or 2
- if(Keyword_Set(ONELINE))then $
- Return, Vname + String(TypeTokens(Vtype), ValueField, $
- FORMAT='(" ", A, T11,"= ", A)' ) $
- else $
- Return, [Vname, String(TypeTokens(Vtype), ValueField, $
- FORMAT='(T16," ", A,T27,"= ", A)' )]
- ENDif
- ; Variable name must be < 15 chars. Just return the old fashioned type
- ; of listing
- Return, String(Vname, TypeTokens(Vtype), ValueField,$
- FORMAT= '(A,T16," ", A,T27,"= ", A)' )
- ;=============================================================================
- ; This function is used to get information on variables in the
- ; routine that called this function. The function builts a string array
- ; that contains information that follows the format that is
- ; printed out by the IDL HELP command.
- ;
- ; Result = GetHelp([Vname])
- ;
- ; Vname: Optional parameter that contains the name of a variable
- ; the user wants information about.
- ;
- ; ONELINE: If a variable name is greater than 15 charaters
- ; it is usally returned as 2 two elements of the
- ; output array (Variable name in 1st elements,
- ; Variable info in the 2nd element). Setting this
- ; keyword will put all the information in one string,
- ; seperating the name and data with a space.
- ;
- ; FULLSTRING: Normally a string that is longer than 45 chars
- ; is truncated and followed by "..." just like
- ; the HELP command. Setting this keyword will cause
- ; the full string to be returned.
- ;
- ; PROCEDURES: Setting this keyword will cause the function
- ; to return all current IDL compiled procedures.
- ;
- ; FUNCTIONS: Setting this keyword will cause the function
- ; to return all current IDL compiled functions.
- ;
- ; SYS_PROCS: Setting this keyword will cause the function
- ; to return the names of all IDL system (built-in)
- ; procedures.
- ;
- ; SYS_FUNCS: Setting this keyword will cause the function
- ; to return the names of all IDL system (built-in)
- ; functions.
- ;
- ; This function returns a string array that normally contains
- ; variable data that is in the same format as used by the IDL HELP
- ; procedure. The variables in this list are for the routine that
- ; called GetHelp(). If other info is requested via keywords, this
- ; data is returned.
- ;
- ; Upon an error the function returns an Null ('') string.
- ;
- ;
- ; See if the user just wants the names of routines or functions:
- if(Keyword_Set(PROCEDURES))then $
- Return, Routine_Names(PROCEDURES=-1)
- if(Keyword_Set(FUNCTIONS))then $
- Return, Routine_Names(FUNCTIONS=-1 )
- ; See if the user wants the system procedure names
- if(Keyword_Set(SYS_PROCS))then $
- Return, Routine_Names(S_PROCEDURES=-1)
- ; And now check for system functions
- if(Keyword_Set(SYS_FUNCS))then $
- Return, Routine_Names(S_FUNCTIONS=-1)
- ; Start by getting the variable names for the calling procedure
- VarNames = Routine_Names(VARIABLES=-1)
- ; See if we got any variables.
- NumVars = N_Elements(VarNames) ; number of variables
- if( NumVars eq 1)then $
- if(VarNames(0) eq '')then $
- Return,'' ;No Variables, Why continue?
- ; Check for a parameter
- if(N_Params() eq 1)then BEGIN
- ; The user wants the help value for just one variable, See if it
- ; is in the list of valid variables.
- Vindx = Where(StrUpcase(UserVar) eq VarNames, Vcnt)
- if(Vcnt eq 1)then BEGIN
- ; Just place this variable in place of the found variables
- VarNames = VarNames(Vindx)
- NumVars = 1
- ENDif else Return,'' ; not a valid variable
- ENDif
- ; Initialize the value of OutText. Check for long parameters.
- ; For each long parameter ( >15 chars), add a line to the OutText Array.
- ; Only check this is if keyword ONELINE is set.
- LongCnt = 0
- if( not KeyWord_Set(ONELINE))then $
- tmp = Where(StrLen(VarNames) gt 15, LongCnt)
- OutText = Strarr(NumVars + LongCnt )
- OutCnt = 0 & tmp = 0
- ; Now loop though each variable, get its value, format its help string and
- ; place the string into the OutText array.
- for i=0, NumVars-1 do BEGIN
- ; Get the *size* of the variable value. This will also handle udefs.
- VarSize = Size(Routine_Names( VarNames(i), FETCH=-1) )
- ; If the variable is not of type undefined, get its value
- if( VarSize(N_Elements(VarSize)-2) ne 0 )then $ ;not undef
- VarValue = Routine_Names( VarNames(i), FETCH=-1 ) $
- else $
- VarValue = '<Undefined>' ;From help output
- ; See if the variable is an Assoc() variable. If the variable is
- ; an array or struct it might be.
- if( VarSize(0) gt 0 )then $ ;not undefined and not a scalar
- ASSOC = IS_ASSOC( VarValue ) $ ; ? is it an Assoc()
- else $
- ASSOC = 0 ;no an associate variable
- ; Now send the variable name, value and size to MakeHelpString
- TmpTxt = MakeHelpString(VarNames(i), VarValue, VarSize, $
- ; Place the results in OutText
- ; Could use [ ] to append, but with large arrays this can be slow.
- OutText(OutCnt) = TmpTxt ; overload index if need be (TmpTxt is 2 el.)
- OutCnt = OutCnt + N_Elements(TmpTxt)
- ENDfor
- ; That should be it, return the array.
- Return, OutText